Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Snow And More Snow!

Good morning Babiee Babiee' family! I hope everyone's day has started off good and continues to! If not change your thinking and give it to the Lord. Trust me it'll become positive by the end of the day! Here are some more pictures of things we did over the holidays. Right before Christmas over here on the east coast we had lots of snow! I love the snow :-) And apparently so does my daughter. To check out my daughter on the NBC's local news website click onNBC10 My daughter is picture number 13.

My daughter being herself. Mommy loves you much & much!


  1. This is just too cute. I think these pictures are great.

  2. I like the snow too! How did you get her on NBC10? I try to put my kids up there but they didn't except it.

  3. Wish we had snow :( @NMJones I think you have to know someone to actually get shown up there. I've tried at my local station numerous times and they never pick us.

  4. It must be cool to have connections! Great pics! Beautiful daughter btw

  5. How precious she is just a doll. I am glad you put her on nbc10.

  6. Exactly where she needs to be on tv and in commercials!

  7. Just seen the pic. Her name is really pretty too!

  8. I agree with everbody else she is truely just cute and adorable! @Terrence TV for sure!!! They would love her. Especially because she seems like shes active.

  9. @Lisa yeah I think so to! I tried just about everytime and they didnt pick my baby either.


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