Good morning!!! As I stated yesterday I hope that everyone enjoyed their Christmas! So today I wanted everyone to feel free to tell me how your Christmas went. What you did, who you spent it with, and so forth :-) All day I will be sharing moments that me and my family had during this past holiday! In the meantime here are some Christmas moments that I had with my little one while she was opening her gifts. Just one of the many happy highlights!!! Of course I'm the one behind the camera.

My daughter playing with her plush talking (Kai-Lan Character) Ho Ho Doll!

And here's my daughter with her talking Dino Dreams Kai-Lan Doll of course!!! I couldn't just get Ho Ho and Not buy Kai-Lan as well ;-)

My daughters expression when she first opened it! I loved every minute of it as these moments made my heart feel warm and as Kai-Lan would say super happy. Because she was so happy:-)Mommy loves you much!!!
So adorable!!! She is very cute. As for my christmas it was good. I wish I could have been a little happier but other than that everything was fine. I seen my family, sung christmas carols of course (NONE OF US CAN SING) HA! Oh yeah and got stuffed! We miss ya. Thanks for keeping up with us through emails. That was pretty cool.
ReplyDeleteOH WOW!Yes she is truely the cutie. How old is she? Christmas in my house was fun and happy as usual! Family, food, games, and more food lmfbo. @NMJones Hey girl how are you? I read your comment hope ur ok!
ReplyDeleteBeautiful just like her mother. I now know what our kids will look like. Just how I pictured it. My christmas was great. Me and my son did it up. I showed him pictures and videos of his mom. I actually do that every year since she passed away. Trying to keep her memory alive you know.
ReplyDeleteOk see Terrence you are truely stalking her lol. You haven't even met her and she doesn't even know you exsistto an extent but yet you have her plced as if you guys are going to someday have a kid lol funny!!!
ReplyDeleteI was with family all day and I cooked. Not well but I cooked HA
ReplyDeleteOh yeah btw your daughter is pretty!
ReplyDelete@NMJones Hey how u been? Not stalking just know the truth. One day we will meet its all destined LOL
ReplyDelete@emily74 I'm not doing as good as I should be but you know for the past couple of days it's been MUCH BETTER! Also Tecolia's words on her blog have been some inspiration as well. How about urself?
ReplyDelete@Terrence Ur funny it's ok to dream big dreams? I'm ok for the past couple of days. It's just been a rough couple of months but it's getting better. God does answer when you call.
ReplyDeletethese are nice pictures. I think you should put her in some commercials. Your daughter looks very happy ecspecially in that last picture. Obviously your doing a great job mom keep it up!
ReplyDeleteTecolia you have a very beatiful daughter. Shes like extra happy in that last picture too. Assuming Kai is one of her favs. My kids fav too. I just enjoy seeing kids enjoy themselves like this. Very nice.