Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Weird Baby News!

Ok everyone so today's segment of weird baby news comes straight out of Asia! A couple of years ago a nine month pregnant lady was traveling from Tai Dong to Tai Pei. Apparently the woman went to the bathroom while in labor and gave birth to her baby, who was accidentally flushed down the toilet! Thankfully the baby survived. To read the full story click here.


  1. I'm sitting here still trying to figure out how a baby gets flushed down the toilet? Ok and ummm ok. Yup!

  2. What a way for a baby to come into the world! How come this lady didnt know she was in labor? Labor pains come before the feeling of going to the bathroom. Well looking at it both ways that baby experienced God's grace, mercy, favor, and love. Because by the grace of God he made it through and survived!!!!!!! Thank God!

  3. Awww poor thing. Thankful he's ok!

  4. Oh this kind of funny, but it's not funny. Oh my! Like previously said I'm just thankful the mom and baby are ok. @NMJones Yes God is working miracles everyday!


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